
I think you were in a good mood today, despite knowing Eddy wouldn’t be at school. You were chatty as you got ready for school, and were back to singing a little as we rode the bike in. I saw you playing a couple of times throughout the day and you were happy. I had gone to the supermarket during the lunch break and bought a little pink toy car for you. I guess missing you last night made me want to spoil you a little. I got stuck waiting with one of my student’s to get picked up so we had to leave right away when I finally met you. You really wanted to play outside but handled it well as I gathered our things and led us to the bike. It was great to soak up some more time with you in the evening. We played with the new car, and all your others. I think you liked it because you made sure to put it away back in the box it came in rather than tossing it in with your other toys. You didn’t want to sleep at bed time, and tried to negotiate for your pacifier still. It is incredible to notice how much deeper your thoughts are. You said you didn’t want to sleep without us even saying to do so, just based on the bedtime routine becoming finished.

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