Hoping to help you feel good about the evening, I began preparing you to understand grandpa would pick you up after school. You could answer me keyi that you could go with him. I tried to spend a little extra time with you in the morning because I wouldn’t see you after school. I also managed to see you briefly in the afternoon. I was passing your room and stopped to talk with Huahua for a moment. You saw me come in and smiled and ran straight to me. It made me feel so good that you were excited to run into my waiting hug. It was lucky because I didn’t make it home before bed time to say goodnight. I still looked in on you and gave you a kiss. I hope you feel my presence even when you’re asleep. Mom said you went to bed well, but still miss your pacifier. She thinks your new comfort is just laying across her arm, feeling secure through contact with her. I know it is a big step to get you to leave behind something that has long been a comfort, but it is good for you and I know you can be strong.