
You weren’t very keen to play with anything or cooperate during morning routines so I figured I need to get you out for some exploration. I prepared things for us to go to the park and we left mom at home to rest. We played on theboaved side of the park for a while. You played with your ball for a couple minutes. You played with the bubbles a little longer. And you rode your scooter a but longer still. But eventually you noticed the structure for the metro entrance and wanted me to carry you to see. I did and once you noticed it went down under the ground you wanted to go. I locked up our things on the bike and we went in. It turned into a nice adventure as I kept following your lead. You wanted to go down the stairs into the station. You wanted to walk through the tunnel yourself. You got a bit shy and wanted to be held again but still said you wanted to go inside the passenger area. I paid our way through the gate and you walked around until discovering the escalators down further still. We went down to the platform and you walked some more. When a train arrived, you wanted to go on. We took the train one station down the line. When we got off there was a train running back and you said you wanted to ride again. We rode back and did all the same walks through the station on the way back out. You were so happy to be allowed to follow your interest. There were many times you pointed and said waahh when you saw something interesting. I liked this spontaneous experience and am very glad you did too. It made the day smoother and you more cooperative and was a good end to our holiday.

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