We went out again today because we were invited to one of my student’s birthday party. Gege is turning 4 and Yori and a couple other classmates attended as well. It was a another play center that we had never been to before so we figured you’d have a good time. We went just before tour lunch time and we’re first to arrive. You got to play a while as we waited and explored the party room. You were very excited by all the toys and things to see. They had a cute mini piano and you played it a while. There was a ring toss game and you liked moving the pegs around. But of course you got most excited when I took you over to the ball pit. The other guests and Gege arrived and we all sat to eat. When you and mom finished it was so cute because you found a shopping cart and filled it with a bunch of toy foods. You came back and were giving me foods from the cart. As you continued playing the clown made you a balloon crown which was quite hug for your head… also insanely cute. We played in the ball pit some more and stayed until cake was served. It came time to get you home because it was already late for your nap. You fell asleep as soon as we got into the car. I know you had a great time and so did I. We also got a lot of great photos of you because there was a photographer who really seemed to like you as a subject. In the evening, I took you out on the balcony to look at the moon. My class had been talking about how we should observe it as Mid-Autumn day is coming. I realized we had never really gone to look at the night sky, even though you are always talking about stars. I pointed and said moon, which you repeated very clearly many times. We got some good photos of that special moment too.