
First, the leg seems fine. We woke today and you were just all chatter. You like to say things you see and even speak short sentences about these observations. You call out objects around you while pointing to them. You tell us what others, or even ourselves, are doing. You especially want to follow me everywhere. You’ve been daddy’s girl and my shadow for quite a while, but it seems to even be increasing lately. This was the only thing that made trouble today. I hadn’t paid attention well to the school schedule and it turned out I was supposed to go in today. After getting a surprise message, I suddenly had to get ready and out the door. When I was ready to leave you were very upset. I was too. In my mind we had a couple more days of holiday together and I was looking forward to it immensely. But, I had to go. The upside is that it made it all the sweeter when I got home. The look in your eyes, the smiles and calling baba when I came in just melt my heart. I felt so happy to see you and that you were happy to see me. I hope we always can be this close. It’s a disappointment to be back to work and especially since you’re not coming to school with me yet (semester starts in a few more days), but I know you can still get a lot of good love and care from mom and we will enjoy our time to the fullest before and after work.

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