
Mom and I have been thinking you need a haircut again and haven’t made time to do it. It’s all in your eyes, which I agree is a problem when I see you walking with your head tilted back just to see where you’re going. However, she also wants it cut short all around to be less hot. We’ve debated a lot because I want it longer rather than forcing a boys haircut on you like most people do to their little girls here. She insisted I could do it well enough and even bought a tool she thought would help, but mom knows nothing about cutting hair and I insisted the only things I could agree to was a trim and layer to lighten it if done by a stylist. So, we made a spontaneous plan in the kerning and went off too the mall. Unfortunately there was quite a long wait and we couldn’t do it. It would have been at least lunch time when they could sit you and I thought that would make you less comfortable and cooperative if you were hungry. It would have also meant that you’d be late for your nap and we still needed to go to the supermarket. Instead, we just made the supermarket run directly. You got to sit in one of the carts with a little ride-in car as the frame. You’ve done so before but we’re much younger and seemed somewhat blasé about it. This time you showed alot of interest in spinning the wheel and calling beep beep as we navigated the aisles. One if the things on our list was a set of sand toys for our upcoming trip to Huizhou. They didn’t have a big selection, but I found a decent set with a bucket, sieve, rake, shovel, and 3 sand molds. There’s no way you knew what exactly they were but you could of course recognize they were toys and eagerly held on to them all the way home.

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