I knew you really would enjoy some time out so I took you downstairs to play around the neighborhood this morning. We had fun in the playground and exercise areas. You wanted to climb the slides today and tried each of the exercise equipment as usual. Our only other plan for today was to go to the recovery center mom and the new baby will stay at. She already had visited but needed to return to sign the contract, and we could all have a look together and have kunch as well. I didn’t think it would be the most exciting place for you, but you had a good time. The staff was happy to spoil you where they could and you were interested to see a new environment. There was a common area for visitors where we had the lunch, and you enjoyed exploring it and playing with some toys there. There was also a chalkboard wall there so we spent a little time drawing together. We had also taken a tour of the place, and when you saw the newborns in the nursery you kept saying wawa. It was adorable that you made that connection but we still tried to explain that they were real babies. I think you began to understand it a little. This was probably a good little experience to refresh your memory before you meet your sibling in a few more months. We returned home for the rest of the day afterward and just followed our normal home schedule. It was already a tiring day for us all but I had fun with you and know you enjoyed being out of the house.