What a busy day. My class had an outdoor trip which was quite exhausting. We had to do covid tests when we got back to school. Then there was setting up and running our school’s summer activity until 6. Hardly feels like my birthday and I wished I had just taken leave to spend the day with family. Mom and grandpa did join us for the summer activity, and we all went out for dinner after. However even that was somewhat chaotic as we all had to eat at different times to keep you occupied. I still enjoyed seeing you very happy throughout the afternoon and evening. It was a good enough gift to keep me thankful for the past year and ready for more. But now I think we are all very ready for bed.
Oh, and mom got a chance to see what you’re like on the bike. I’ve been telling her how well you ride along and do a lot of talking, singing, pointing, etc. She asked if I could strap the Gopro and record you, which I did. It was funny even for me to see you more directly this way. I like the idea so much I will find an even better way to mount the camera. I like the idea that I can keep a better eye on you while riding to make sure you stay safe and comfortable.
Also, mom had Huahua put you in a pretty dress for the school activity. It was a bit hot and we had to change it before too long, but you were so lovely. We seldom see you in dresses but you are so beautiful.