
Mom and I had a good day, and it seems like yours went smoothly also. We dropped you off at school together and had breakfast there. We then went for a walk in Zhujiang park for a while to kill time. We planned to have lunch out too, then go get mom a new phone. When all that was done, mom went home to rest and cook your dinner and I headed back to the school area and wait to pick you up. I had an idea to stop at the toy store and get a mobile phone toy for you. It took a couple of shops before I found one but now you and mom have new phones. When I arrived to pick you up it really felt like a strange day. I’m so used to the routine of coming to school and us both spending the day there. My students were coming out for dismissal as I waited for you and so many of them said I was late. It was a pretty tiring day for mom still so she joined us for dinner at the school before we all headed home.

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