Mom came to school at dismissal time so we could all have dinner with teacher Huahua. She invited us just to have a friendly chat. That really only applied to mom and her mostly since you weren’t very interested in sitting there doing nothing. I played with you while they ate and talked. You heard music coming from the music room and wanted to go see what it was. When I cracked the door we saw the choir group practicing and everybody called you in. We sat on the side and you looked in awe as they sang. Eventually you wanted to dance a little. Eddy was in there too, waiting on Ray, so you guys also played a little. It was really cute to see your interest in the music.
It wasn’t the only time we spent together today. I had gone into the garden to check on some of my students and you found me. I didn’t stay long and distract you from your play, but did watch a while while you and some classmates played with the water faucets.
I also saw some video of you and Eddy playing in class. He was rocking you on the rocking horse, which was absolutely adorable. You both were smiling and laughing a lot. I am glad you have a friend you really like playing with.